Breeding and planting of resistant cultivars is the most economical, effective, safe and reliable means to control wheat diseases. Identification of disease-resistant germplasm is not only beneficial for the breeding of disease-resistant cultivars, but also broadens the diversity of disease-resistance ...
The trenches were hand planted at 88 seeds per row or 383 seeds/m2 or at a rate of 4.45 million seeds per hectare. The seeds were treated before planting with a mixture of 50% Cruiser Maxx Vibrance Cereals (Sedaxane, Difenoconazole, Mefenoxam, Thiamethoxam), 43.75% water and 6.25% ...
For example, the crossing can comprise the steps of: (a) planting seeds of wheat variety YW17P and a second, distinct wheat plant, (b) cultivating the wheat plants grown from the seeds until the plants bear flowers; (c) cross pollinating a flower on one of the two plants with the ...
To dissect the genetic loci governing drought tolerance, we performed a GWAS based on the DT index dataset using the filtered SNPs. Through a Bonferroni-adjusted correction, we set theP-value for the suggestive threshold as 2.383 × 10−6. Under the mixed linear model (MLM) with corr...
AAC Bailey has been released for distribution and multiplication to CANTERRA SEEDS 201 - 1475 Chevrier Boulevard, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 1Y7. Phone '1 (204) 988-9752; Fax '1 (204) 487-7682. Financial support from the producer check-off on wheat collected by ...
partially fertile. The 0.24% EMS treatment gave the desirable kill rate near 50% and was used as the dose of choice for treating a total of 3,700T. monococcumseeds (Figure1). The M1population (derived from the M0EMS-treated seed) was selfed. A single M2was grown from every M1plant...
Seeds were sown on Oct. 10, 2017, at a rate of 225 seeds m− 2in three blots (each of 30 m2). Plots were fertilized before planting with 10 g m− 2P2O5, 10 g K2O m− 2and 7.5 g N m− 2. At the shooting stage (Zadoks stage 31), 15 g ...
hIne most cases, the amount partial N balance (fixed of N N in fixed was not sufficient to produce aboveground biomass—N in seeds) was negative in 80% of all data sets, with a mean net soil N mining of 40 kg N ha−1 17. There was a slightly decreasing trend in soil ...
Soil PH was approximately 6.9 in N0 and 6.95 in N120 fields while the electrical conductivity of soil solution was 3.95 dSm−1 N0 and 4.25 in N120 fields prior to planting. Before sowing, seeds of the genotypes were surface sterilized with 0.1% mercuric chloride (HgCl2) for 5 min and ...
Post-planting rainfall after the application of prosulfocarb plus s-metolachlor at 2000 and 300 g ha−1, respectively, followed by soil incorporation with a single-disc seeding system, resulted in movement of the herbicide mixture into the furrow slot and to proximity to wheat seeds causing ...