BBCH abbreviation of growth stages of plant species derived from Biologische Bundesanstalt Bundessortenamt und CHemische Industrieabbreviation of growth stages of plant species derived from Biologische BundesanstaltBundessortenamt und CHemische IndustrieCat catalase...
The incidence of WSD was evaluated at the BBCH growth stages 83鈥 85. Causal agents of WSD and other fungi were identified using molecular methods. The soil tillage method did not influence the development of WSD, but the impact of crop rotation was significant, and the cropping system where...
at BBCH 59 from the Zadoks growth scale30,31. Plant height (PH). Average plant height per plot was measured before harvest, in centimeters, without awns32. Thousand grain weight (TGW). For French environments; 500 grains were counted with a mechanical counter "Contador" and weighted....
In order to meet these needs, the main objective of the presented research was to analyze the structure of endogenous fungal communities of ten cultivars of spring and winter wheat in various conditions of their growth, i.e.: conventional field with mineral fertilization and herbicides, but withou...
A uniform decimal code for growth stages of crops and weeds Ann. Appl. Biol., 119 (1991), pp. 561-601 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [14] A.R. Paolacci, O.A. Tanzarella, E. Porceddu, M. Ciaffi Identification and validation of reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR normalizat...
They conducted a semi-quantitative analysis using caryopses at various stages of maturity. The expression profile of all PDI homeologous genes changed over time in the same manner. The researchers pointed to the lack of differences in the expression of these genes, which was not consistent with...
Meier, U. BBCH-Monograph. Growth Stages of Plants–Entwicklungsstadien von Pflanzen–Estadios de las plantas–Dévelopement des Plantes. Berlin and Wien. (Blackwell Wissenschaftsverlag, 1997). Asreml: Fits the linear mixed model. R package (Version 4.1. 0.149) (2021). Holm, S. A Simple Seque...
Assessments of obligate pathogens were expressed with disease indices (DIs, %) and made at the growth stage 71–73 BBCH30 (kernel watery; early milk), known to be highly related to yield31. The DIs (%) of rusts and powdery mildew were calculated as a product of disease incidence (mean...
Phenotyping in this study was constraint to a relatively early development stage with initiating nodal root growth. Although the absolute length proportions among the root axes types will evidently change with later stages (in favor of nodal root length), we still hypothesize that the early stage ...
Bobwhite) seed are germinated and grown in a growth chamber (humidity—65%, temperature/light cycle—16 h light [18° C.]/8 h dark [16° C.], light intensity −43kLux). Tissue harvest is carried out after approx. 8 weeks growth as plants reach stage 65 of the BBCH growth scale ...