Each spikelet typically has three florets of which two generally become pollinated and produce a seed. Wheat has a 1000-kernel weight of 31–35 g and contains about 80% starch, 15% protein, 2.5% fat, and 3.5% fiber, dry basis. Wheat kernel is composed of bran (15%), germ (3%), ...
The lack of precipitation resulted in poor germination of wheat seed which declined NSPMS (Table 4). Improper soil moisture at early wheat growing stages inhibits the germination process of wheat and results in lower plant population (Poudel et al., 2021). Heat stress on the other hand is ...
Crop breeding heavily relies on natural genetic variation. However, additional new variations are desired to meet the increasing human demand. Inflorescence architecture determines grain number per spike, a major determinant of bread wheat (Triticum aest
Wild einkorn has a fragile rachis that facilitates seed dispersal, whereas the rachis in domesticated einkorn is non-brittle4. Einkorn is closely related to Triticum urartu, the A genome donor of tetraploid durum (Triticum durum) and hexaploid bread wheats (T. aestivum)5. In contrast to T. ...
Brachypodium distachyon (Bd) has been proposed as a new monocotyledonous model species for functional genomic studies in grass species. This study aims to assess the interaction between the most prevalent FHB-causing Fusarium species and Bd in order to develop and exploit Bd as a genetic model ...
Malik, R.K. and Singh, S. (1995). Little seed canary grass phalaris minor retz. Resistance to isoproturon in India. Weed Technology. 9: 419-425. Malik, R.K., Balyan, R.S., Bhan, V.M. (1988). Effect of surfactants on the efficacy of some post emergence grass herbicides. Haryana...
SURPRISE: I have developed a yeast-free Savory Quick Bread recipe & a raw dehydrated nut or seed bread in my upcoming ecookbook,No Gluten, No Dairy, No Sugar, No Problem! Enjoy your time off and remember to take care of your body, mind and spirit. Wishing you many blessings, love, ...
Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is a major problem for wheat production due to its direct detrimental effects on wheat yield, end-use quality and seed viability. Annually, PHS is estimated to cause > 1.0 billion USD in losses worldwide. Therefore, i
1974). d Example of cumulative degree-days from emergence to heading and emergence to flowering for near-isogenic lines (NIL)s with differing vernalisation or photoperiod requirements grown in inductive conditions (Bloomfield et al. 2018 and pers. comm.). Full size image The wheat seed usually...
Rabieyan, E., Bihamta, M. R., Moghaddam, M. E., Mohammadi, V. & Alipour, H. Imaging-based screening of wheat seed characteristics towards distinguishing drought-responsive Iranian landraces and cultivars.Crop Pasture Sci.73, 337–355 (2022). ...