In Karnataka several workers have made an attempt to study the wheat diseases and their spread, mechanism of infection, loss due to individual diseases, and mechanism of resistance, epidemiological factors and management aspects. In the present work it has been tried to compile the work which has...
Wheat Diseases and Their Management addresses biotic and abiotic constrains to wheat production. Besides detailed illustrations and descriptions of the most important diseases of wheat in the world, it offers an updated view on the reemergence of some old diseases and the occurrence of new races of...
Management of Wheat Diseases...doi:10.1155/2012/769048Simón, María RosaAnnone, Juan G.Struik, Paul C.International Journal of AgronomyInternational Journal of Agronomy
Management of wheat viral diseases– Viral diseases can be managed by selecting resistant varieties or by controlling insects or mites that vector the disease. Genetic differences are evident among varieties in their resistance to the spindle streak mosaic virus and soilborne mosaic virus. ioneer rates...
Root diseases, namely take-all and Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Fusarium root rots, are so widespread and occur so uniformly within fields of wheat and barley in the U.S. Pacific Northwest (PNW) that we have come to accept these crops with these diseases as normal 'healthy' crops. The main ...
Wheat stripe, leaf, and stem rusts are destructive fungal diseases on wheat in China. Their spores can travel a long distance by wind. Severe epidemics of the three wheat rust diseases frequently occurred and have resulted in huge yield and economic losses. Strategies for the management of the...
Gao always detects the plant samples as soon as possible, and she usually provides disease-management advice to the farmers. Gao and her team work in wheat fields for nearly six months of the year. The harvest season is a good time to research...
P. Rust Diseases of Wheat: Concepts and Methods of Disease Management. (CIMMYT, 1992). Google Scholar Wu, T. D. & Nacu, S. Fast and SNP-tolerant detection of complex variants and splicing in short reads. Bioinformatics 26, 873–881 (2010). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google ...
Gooding MJ, 2007. Influence of foliar diseases and their control by fungicides on grain yield and quality in wheat. In: Buck HT, Nisi JE, Salomon N, eds. Wheat Production in Stressed Environments. Developments in Plant Breeding. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 567-81....
Numerous diseases affect the grain yield and quality of common wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) and durum (Triticum turgidumL.) wheat. Black point is one such disease that commonly occurs in all wheat-growing regions and has serious economically repercussions (Waldron, 1934; Rees et al., 1984; Conn...