Northern-hills zoneWheatThe Northern-hills Zone of India has low productivity as compared to the national average mainly due to non-availability of improved seeds and other inputs in time, low-soil fertility, incidence of yellow and brown rusts and largely rainfcd cultivation prone to different ...
Temporal responses of soil biological characteristics to organic inputs and mineral fertilizers under wheat cultivation in inceptisolSoil enzymesmicrobial biomass carbonavailable Nsoil organic carbonA 2-year field experiment was conducted in wheat ecosystem to assess the key soil biological characteristics ...
4). In 2017, the China Ministry of Science and Technology launched a wheat breeding manifesto. Based on the different wheat cultivation zones, there are five programs: (1) Northern China Wheat Breeding Program, (2) Northern Yellow and Huai River Valley Wheat Breeding Program, (3) Southern ...
Cultivation of identified genotypes in over 12m ha wheat area of North Western Plains Zone of India could produce similar yields and can conserve 7728million m3 of water year-1. 展开 关键词: Wheat yield Water use efficiency (WUE) Germplasm Genetic diversity Profitability DOI: 10.1016/j...
Wheat is a major food crop, with around 765 million tonnes produced globally. The largest wheat producers include the European Union, China, India, Russia, United States, Canada, Pakistan, Australia, Ukraine and Argentina. Cultivation of wheat across suc
799; Sharbati Sonora, an amber grain colour mutant from variety Sonora 64 and Pusa Lerma, also an amber grain colour mutant from variety Lerma Rojo 64-A were released for commercial cultivation. There is no well documented information available on the acreage occupied by these three mutant ...
China produces a larger amount of wheat than India (89.0 compared to 63.6 million tonnes per year, 2006–2010) but from 4 % less wheat cultivation area (18.9 compared to 23.5 million hectares per year, 2006–2010). This is mainly due to the high wheat yield registered in China (4.7 ...
Among the major cereal grown in India, wheat stands second next to rice in area and production, but first in productivity among all the cereals. System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) popularly known as Sri Vidhi Gehun is different methodology for cultivation of Wheat. Its root goes in SRI ...
cultivation techniques,plant industry structures and super wheat early or late in the past 20 years.New winter wheat cultivars that "Ningdong 10" and "Ningdong 11" not only could increase yield 20%~50% compared to local major spring wheat cultivar "Ningchun 4",but also had met the good ...
Cultivation of wheat is believed to have originated in the mountainous regions of Syria and the area formerly part of Palestine of the Middle East. (See Wheat | The Crop; Wheat | Grain Structure of Wheat and Wheat-based Products.) Wheat is commercially divided into seven classes on the ...