1. First, start by looking at the Windows logs to get more detail. Then openWindows Event Logs/Systemand locate the WHEA Logger errors. The event ID might be 17, 18, 19 etc or any other number. 2. Next, double click on the error in the logs then click on theDETAILStab. Expand...
我的机子是神舟笔记本电脑,配置是win10、i5-9400、gtx1660ti,装的是英伟达studio驱动。 9月24日我在使用达芬奇调色软件进行项目备份的时候,遇到了进度条卡住,最后蓝屏的情况,经过几次尝试,每次备份都蓝屏。调取系统事件查看后,发现备份到一定程度的时候,会疯狂地报错WHEA-Logger,事件ID17,最后导致蓝屏。 错误提示 在...
<ProviderName="Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-Logger"Guid="{c26c4f3c-3f66-4e99-8f8a-39405cfed220}"/> <EventID>17</EventID> <Version>1</Version> <Level>3</Level> <Task>0</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x8000000000000000</Keywords> ...
whea-logge..供参考,我的是戴尔,双硬盘。每次用网易云音乐就会出现一百多次whea logger 17,研究了下发现是安装与缓存分别设置在了固态与机械中,重新安装设置后问题就没再出现了。个人不太懂电脑,猜测应该是固
来源: Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-Logger日期: 2022/12/6 8:24:53事件ID: 17任务类别: 无级别: 警告关键字:用户: LOCAL SERVICE计算机: Frank描述:发生了已更正的硬件错误。 组件: PCI Express Root Port错误源: Advanced Error Reporting (PCI Express) 主总线: 设备...
Up till now I don't have any bluescreens, however the event-logger shows the exact same warnings (Event ID 17): A corrected hardware error has occurred. Component: PCI Express Endpoint Error Source: Advanced Error Reporting (PCI Express) ...
<System> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-Logger" Guid="{c26c4f3c-3f66-4e99-8f8a-39405cfed220}" /> <EventID>1</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>2</Level> <Task>0</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x8000000000000002</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-02-11T18...
1- The error only appears on Windows start up (not when restarted but when opened from fully being shutdown) 2- the error appears once only during the first startup but if I restart, it wouldn't appear again in the Event Logger. If I shutdown and open up again, It will...
Error Type: Bus/Interconnect ErrorProcessor APIC ID: 0 Log Name: SystemSource: Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-LoggerDate: 2/7/2024 10:43:18 PMEvent ID: 18Task Category: NoneLevel: ErrorKeywords:User: LOCAL SERVICEComputer: DESKTOP-LJBRI66 I don't understand overclocking, so I don't know how...
错误类型: Cache Hierarchy Error处理器 APIC ID: 6该项的详细信息视图包含进一步的信息。 2楼2023-03-21 22:58 回复 wang1313123 龙之诞 1 + System-Provider[ Name]Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-Logger[ Guid]{c26c4f3c-3f66-4e99-8f8a-39405cfed220}EventID18Version0Level2Task0Opcode0Keywords0x...