某些错误的http状态下如400、500等不会reject,相反它会被resolve 不支持timeout处理 不支持jsonp,当然可以引入fetch-jsonp来支持 这些缺点,后面的参考里面有各种解决方案 fetch兼容性(2017-08-08): fetch是基于promise设计的, 如果浏览器不支持promise,可以引入es6-promise或者promise。 如果希望IE8也支持,可以参考使...
Most ajax libraries and xhr itself offer a convenient way to set a timeout for a request. Adding timeout to the properties accepted in the options object therefore seems like a sensible addition to fetch. JakeChampion/fetch#68
javascriptpolyfillfetchreact-nativepromisetimeoutabortfetch-apiwhatwg-fetch UpdatedFeb 27, 2017 JavaScript b1f6c1c4/try-react Star1 A react boilerplate reactreduxwebpackreact-routerredux-sagamaterial-uireact-boilerplateredux-formjsonwebtokenreselectreact-router-reduxwhatwg-fetch ...
我使用whatwg-fetch发出请求,并尝试检查response.status === 0,以防response.ok为false,以查看服务器当前是否脱机,并相应地通知用户。 问题是,当服务器脱机时,response.status始终为200,而response.ok始终为真。 代码语言:javascript 复制 const interpretJsonResponse = (response, callback):object => { const res...
window.fetch : fetchconstcontroller =newAbortController() abortableFetch('/avatars', {signal: controller.signal }).catch(function(ex){if(ex.name ==='AbortError') {console.log('request aborted') } })// some time later...controller.abort()...
importfetchfrom'react-native-fetch-polyfill';fetch(url,{timeout:30*1000}).then(response=>{// a successful response}).catch(error=>{// an error when the request fails, such as during a timeout}) React Native'sXMLHttpRequestinterfaceexposes a timeout property sent to theRCTNetworkingmodule,...
The rejected promise will use an array to reject([error, response]). Some error will not get response. Ex: timeout or network error. setup(options) There is a method calledsetupused for setup default option. The default option will be used on every request. But possible to overwrite when...
var parent = new Promise(function (res, rej, cancel) { var cancelable = setTimeout(res,100); cancel(function () { clearTimeout(cancelable); }); }), child1 = parent.then(function(){ console.log("child1"); }), child2 = parent.then(function(){ console.log("child2"); }); Sinc...
stringify(postData)}, types:['SEARCHTREAT_START','SEARCHTREAT_SUCCESS',null] } } 配置对象: configObj : url , types , //为三种不同类型action状态,分别为开始请求、请求成功、请求失败,没有的类型请用''或null代替 method , //post data , async, //默认true timeout,//默认最大值 Number.MAX_...
I have some 'Higher Order functions' that can create me a fetch function with some extra behavior on it. Some of them can abort the request. Here a simplified example with a timeout that can abort: const fetch = pipe( window.fetch, withT...