今天两个组织协力进行工作,用同一个编辑Ian Hickson。WHATWG把其标准称为“活的标准“(living standard)”,不再使用版本号。HTMLWG把WHATWG的标准拿来做一个“快照”,提供给实现者(如浏览器厂商和web开发者)一个稳定坚实的标准。因为HTMLWG必须保证在不同设备(桌面,移动端,电视等)和浏览器下的互操作性(interoperab...
HTML工作组将会重构,并搓合两方的工作流程,W3C将不再独自发布HTML和DOM相关的指定规范列表,W3C和WHATWG两方直接在WHATWG的程式码储存库中合作,WHATWG会定期产生动态标准(Living Standard)、推荐(Recommendation)和审核草案(Review Draft)等快照,W3C会将WHATWG的审核草案快照纳入候选推荐(Candidate Recommendations)中,并走完...
然后,由 WHATWG来决定他们的产品中将包含哪些功能。 WHATWG目前维护的HTML Living Standard(https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/)将成为官方的HTML标准,而DOM Living Standard(https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/)将成为官方的DOM 标准。 这项公告标志着Web标准格局的巨大变化,从此以后,所有重大的Web标准都将由浏览...
According to the Memorandum of Understanding, "HTML and DOM shall be developed principally in the WHATWG, following WHATWG Living Standard (LS) specification process. W3C intends to give input to and endorse WHATWG Review Drafts to become W3C Recommendations, through the W3C Process from Candidate R...
WHATWG HTML Living Standard (aka HTML5)-compliant. parse5 provides nearly everything you may need when dealing with HTML. It's the fastest spec-compliant HTML parser for Node to date. It parses HTML the way the latest version of your browser does. It has proven itself reliable in such ...
The WHATWG is now using a Living Standard development model, so this question is no longer really pertinent. See above, under "What is HTML5?". The real question is, when can you use new features? For an answer to that question, see "How do I know if a particular feature in the sp...
This repository hosts theHTML Standard. Code of conduct We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all. Please read and respect theWHATWG Code of Conduct. Contribution opportunities We appreciate all contributions, see theguidelines for contributingfor details, including...
TheHTML Living Standardshould be communicated on a website with acceptable loading times. At present, it appears as thoughhttps://html.spec.whatwg.org/is thesingle-page version. Itsloading timeisexcessively long. The waiting indicator is on most of the time and the browser repeatedly offers to...
I found this link in the HTML Living Standard that explicitly mentions not relying on the title attribute for validation anymore, which ties into what I’m talking about: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-title-attribute It’s a bit strange, though, that now you have to...
Update: Looks like there's precedence for this kind of thing: history.scrollRestoration = 'manual', which has since been integrated into the HTML Living Standard and implemented in both Chrome and Firefox. Other options include: a 4th argument to .pushState()/.replaceState() (on every call?