Fix WhatsApp not working on iPhone/iPad! Discover top solutions to resolve crash issues and restore smooth functionality effortlessly.
Whatsapp web or desktop not working after MAC os update 12.3 Folks, I updated to Mac OS 12.3 (Monterey). After that neither WhatsApp web or desktop is working for me, Though it is seamless working on my phone. When I try to login to both web or desktop version of WA.. link get e...
Whatsapp web works fine from Safari and Chrome, my phone is working fine and the internet connection is good. It feel like something is blocking the app from contacting the WhatsApp servers. Any ideas to prompt the app into life? Thanks, Dominic 1 year ago 4165 1 Problems with Whats...
1. 检查您的互联网连接如果您在 Mac 上的 Safari 中使用 WhatsApp Web 时遇到问题,首先要做的是检查您的互联网连接。如果您连接到不可靠的互联网,您可能会遇到此类问题。因此,请确保连接到稳定的互联网连接,并再次检查是否可以解决问题。2. 重新登录 WhatsApp 网页版如果互联网连接不是问题,重新...
When i try to start WhatsApp Web on the phone, the QR-Code scanner screen does not even open, but i get a passive notification "check your internet connection on the phone". While i can chat with WhatsApp without any problems, so the internet connection and the connection to WhatsApp ...
如果你想启用WhatsApp多装置登入功能,只需进入「设置」菜单,然后选择「WhatsApp Web/Desktop」或「连接新设备」,就可以开始使用这个功能了。有了多装置登入功能,你将可以更方便地使用WhatsApp,而不必担心设备的限制。 无人数限制登入WhatsApp 要注意的是一个电话号码可以登入最多5部装置,对于较大型的客服团队,5部装...
This issue came from #45. I have recompiled the WhatsApp APK without changing its source code, but it's not working after the recompilation process, because they are validating their APK signature. I have also tried the same with GBWhatA...
What's WhatsApp Web and how to use that? Tips and tricks for WhatsApp Webers, and Wutsapper are introduced as well.
在使用WhatsApp Web时,浏览器的兼容性和缓存问题是常见的技术障碍之一,可能导致用户无法成功登录。首先,不同的浏览器在处理网页应用时可能存在差异,某些浏览器可能未能完全支持WhatsApp Web所需的功能。例如,老旧版本的浏览器可能缺乏现代网页所需的JavaScript支持,导致WhatsApp Web无法正常加载。因此,确保使用最新版本的...
二、使用WhatsApp Web版的好处 方便快捷:使用WhatsApp Web版可以直接在电脑上发送和接收WhatsApp消息,无需频繁切换手机和电脑,节省了时间和精力。 多设备同步:通过WhatsApp Web版,用户可以将手机上的WhatsApp消息同步到电脑上,实现多设备同时在线,方便用户在不同的设备上随时查看和回复消息。