Whatsapp voice message 保存成 MP3 檔的步驟: 1. 在 Whatsapp 裡,按著語音訊息 (voice message) 選擇 ‘share’ 2. 在‘share’ 清單中選擇 ‘Save to Phone’ 3. 選擇保存的路徑位置(例如 \download) 4. Whatsapp 話音訊息儲存成 *.OGG 檔案格式 5. 使用媒體轉換軟件(例如 Media Converter)把 *.OGG...
Remember, these methods require connecting your iPhone or iPad to a computer. Download WhatsApp Voice Messages on Your Desktop Open the WhatsApp web/desktop app and locate the chat containing the audio message. Right-click on the message and select Save media. That saves the audio file ...