WhatsApp says you can control your privacy and notification settings for both accounts separately. We are running the latest version of WhatsApp on our Android devices but don't see the option to set up a second account, meaning it will be at least a week or two before this feature reache...
Adjusted the notification settings in WhatsApp and in the Fitbit app, to make the banners permanent and this seemed to have to have done the trick. Thanks all. 0 Votes Reply Cdnfit Recovery Runner 11 0 3 12-24-2018 12:30 Ever since I updated my Fitbit charge 3 a few ...
<service android:name=".NotificationListener" android:label="@string/notification_listener_service" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService" /> </intent-filter> </service> 要拦...
The App comes with so many useful features such as Google drive backup, bold and italics text formatting options, mark the WhatsApp message as reading or unread, low data usage, custom notification document sharing with PDF file, and many more features. You can send and receive WhatsApp messa...
3. Check iPhone/Android Notification Settings If you have allowed WhatsApp notifications but still getting no sound, you could check out your phone Notification settings. As foriPhone users, you need to go to Settings > Notifications first. Find out WhatsApp in the Notification Style and tap it...
Open WhatsApp, touch in the upper right corner, then go to Settings > Notification > Popup notification > Always show popup. Prevent WhatsApp from being stopped or cleared in the background by performing the following: Open Phone Manager/Optimizer, touch % remaining, ...
account, users need a second phone number and a SIM card or a phone that supports multi-SIM or eSIM. In the WhatsApp settings, click on the arrow next to the name and then select "Add account". WhatsApp users can also set individual privacy and notification settings for each account ...
GBWhatsApp Pro Chats / Groups / GB Settings FAQs Last Word I hope you have successfully Downloaded the Latest Version of GB WhatsApp Pro APK. There is no doubt that this is one of the best mods for WhatsApp Messenger. Millions of people have been using GB WhatsApp Pro for a long time...
Official WhatsApp has no settings for incoming calls except for their notification tones. Anyone can call you. There must be settings to restrict unwanted incoming calls. That’s why this amazing app added these settings in this mod. You can choose who can call you; everyone, your contacts,...
Regarding battery optimization settings. In microG all selfchecks are fine. In Whatsapp I have two points: allow background usage (is checked) stop app activity if not used (unchecked). I think there is not much more that I can do. It is not as easy to test notification on other apps...