- Phone: [Your Full Phone Number with Country Code]- Device: [Your Device Model]- Issue: No SMS or call received for verification.I have double-checked my phone number, confirmed network service, and ensured no blocks on international calls/SMS. Multiple attempts to resend the code have fai...
7、如果不想输入验证码,可以通过打电话验证,点击Call me; 8、验证通过就可以开始使用了,注意不要瞎猜验证码,不然再次注册输入就会被锁定,无法接收验证码了。 注意:有的电话号码是不能用的,比如说 volp号码(俗称IP电话,相当于网络电话,是利用IP网络实现语音通信的一种先进通信手段,是一种完全基于IP网络的语音传输...
4、跳转到收验证码界面,这时是收不到验证码的,等待时间结束后 点击call me 用电话方式接收语音验证码...
邮件模板1:(账号注册用)my phone number +86***is blocked,could you help me unblock it,Thanks so much.邮件模板2:(被封之后用)I meet the new questions that I cannot receive your SMS or call code. I try all possible ways to solve it. But still canont use it.Hoрe you can help...
Then,enter your existing landline number instead of a phone numberwhen it asks you for a number. Wait for 5 minutes for the SMS verification to fail. Now, you will be prompted to call your number. Tap on theCall Mebutton and you will receive an automated call from WhatsApp. ...
9.打开app-输入手机号-收验证码(收不到再点callme接电话接收语音验证码) 以上方法我都试过了,每天都可以尝试去接收验证码,我的2个WhatsApp号码都是一周左右就能接到电话,电话来了会先问你接收验证码请按1,这个时候打开拨号键盘,输入1,然后就会开始给你念6位的数字了。如果还不行就只能每天多试试了,有些联...
Once selected, tap theactionfield and set it to ask for a number. Assign it an easy-to-remember label likephone number. Now add a second action. For the second action, you’ll need to set it as a variable. In the first field, type out the same label as above. In this case, it...
Phone: [Your Full Phone Number with Country Code] Device: [Your Device Model] Issue: No SMS or call received for verification. I've double-checked my number, confirmed network service, and ensured no blocks on international calls/SMS. Multiple attempts to resend the code have failed. ...
Call Phone Number: You can add up to 1 phone number button with a specific phone number format. Once that’s done and click onSave. Note: For a template that was created on the WE dashboard, you can await the approval from META, after which it can be used in your campaigns. ...
稍后会有call过来,你就接,他会让你输数字,输入就行,注意接听验证码,会念两遍(中文的) 如果记不住就录音! 记得住就直接输入。 请记住这一步:接电话,这是一个最关键,验证码不写错,要听就听清楚。因为不能保证第二遍继续能收到电话(需要等一段时间,对于安卓机来说,一般第一遍就一定要搞成功,第一点不搞...