From where you can open the application and do verification process from your mobile device and then use the application from your laptop.
WhatsApp for PC, free download for Windows. Desktop application that allows you to access your WhatsApp account from your PC, with all the features of the mobile app.
Download Bluestacks For PCAfter the completion of the download, launch the software and install it like all other Windows software. It will take a while to download and install the software.Open the BlueStacks software after installing it on your Windows 10 or Windows 8/7 computer. If you ...
除了直接下载的文件,WhatsApp PC版还会在运行时缓存一些数据。这些缓存文件通常存储在应用程序的安装目录下,用户可以通过访问应用程序的文件夹来查看这些缓存数据。在Windows系统中,WhatsApp的缓存文件一般位于“C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\WhatsApp”,而在Mac系统中,则可以在“用户文件夹/Library/Application Support...
Whatsapp For PC Free Downloads and Tutorials, This guide will show you how to install Whatsapp on your computer desktop, Windows 7 Windows 8 or Mac.
Download Whatsapp For Pc WhatsApp For Desktop Almost every smartphone carries the giant of instant messengers – Whatsapp. The tiny application is very
Applications For Pc sms messaging for windows messaging app for windows 7 Confide 3.7 Free An encrypted and highly secretive Messenger app Download Alternatives toConfide Is this a good alternative for WhatsApp? messenger for windows 10 app design for windows free ...
. Operating System:Windows 10/8/7. . License:Freeware. . Setup Size:124.74 MBs. Since the recrudesce of the prevalently known instant messaging application (WhatsApp), communication had taken a new form, and this new release had undeniably made a groundbreaking entry. With this latest version...
2.如果您是Windows PC用户,请解压缩.exe文件并按照屏幕上的说明运行它。 但 苹果电脑 用户需要首先解压该文件,然后将该应用程序移至Application文件夹。 3.接下来,你会注意到那个大的QR码。 4.现在在您的手机上同样的应用程序午餐并进入设置> Whatsapp桌面。
WhatsApp isnot a standalone app. It needs to beinstalled on your mobile devicebefore you can use the application on your PC. After downloading this app on your PC, aQR codewill appear on your screen. You must take a few steps on your mobile phone before using the app on your PC. Th...