Me: "I was trying to keep up with traffic." Police: "There isn`t any." Me: I know! That`s how far behind I am view ››status Funny Status I forgot to turn off my SWAG before I went to sleep yesterday. I woke up homeless and working at McDonalds. view ››status ...
Whats Wrong With Michigan Workers Compensation? Worker Who Defended Customer Left with $300,000 Medical Bill By McDonaldsTerry Cochran
#27. McDonalds Ken Wolter // Shutterstock #27. McDonald's - Positive opinion score: 58% --- Popularity among Boomers: 54% --- Popularity among Gen X: 60% --- Popularity among Millennials: 63% Though Ray Kroc is credited with McDonald's meteoric rise around the world, the fast-food...
steak, a paprika-heavy tomato sauce, all under a bubbly blanket of melted cheese. This was actually pretty tasty. The sauce wasn’t half bad, though I think the cheese was the star of the show. Hard to go wrong with melted cheese. ...