Both afferent and efferent come fromFrench, evolved from Latin (the basis of many terms in medicine and biology) for the terms, respectively, ad ferens (Latin verb ferre: carry), meaning carrying into, and ex ferens, meaning carrying away (ad literally means to, and e = ex means from)....
The police said thatthey had received a tip-off about the presence of explosives. For example, one tip-off led to five people being arrested. For example, there is the immediate emergency; then there is a "tip-off" that an emergency might arise in a week or so; and there is all thi...
The meaning of the first M669 crosstalk parameter for a SCARA printer has changed. A zero value now means that the proximal motor does not affect the proximal-to-distal arm angle. The CoreXY kinematics calculations have been changed to conform to the way they are defined in other firmwares ...
The spiritual meaning of mother goes beyond the physical act of giving birth. It is a symbol of nurturing and unconditional love that transcends all boundaries. The mother figure represents the divine feminine energy associated with creation, fertility, and growth. In many cultures around the world...
it’s so insular and inert – but creatures are still bustling. In fact, certain creatures become more vibrant and alive. That’s what inspires me to talk about fabulous February spirit animals. Join me as I delve into the symbolism and deeper meaning of February creatures that come into po...
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains a furthe...
these cameras are digital, meaning that they can pan and tilt automatically. These cameras also have motion-based auto tracking, which automatically follows objects that move. However, it is important to note that this feature works best in quiet ...
Business owners can also outsource the formulation of aMarketing Strategybased on Consumer Behavior to professionals within this area; meaning that help is always on-hand when needed. Here’s To Your Success! The GWC Team Share this: Share ...
The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural. Definitions For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions: - Application means the software program provided by the Company downloaded by You on any electronic device, named Status ...
The concept designated by the verb 'to want' is extraordinarily elusive. A statement of the form "A wants to X"-taken by itself, apart from a context that serves to amplify or to specify its meaning-conveys remarkably little information. Such a statement may be consistent, for example, wit...