What’s on in Wirral Discover music in Wirral Dive deep into the Wirral music scene and Discover a New Beat!Wirral’s event highlights Wirral’s events calendar is bursting with exhibitions, live music, festivals and showstopping theatre. Live music venues such as Future Yard showcase the ve...
Our What’s On listing of events is now listed by location. Those listed here are for events in the South east of England in the week commencing October 26, 2005. Click here to go back to the main index TRACK DAYS SATURDAY October 29 Focused Events Track Day, Brands Hatch Indy, Kent....
Jane Davis set up the first Get into Reading group in 2002, for young single mothers at a library in Birkenhead, Wirral, so creating a model that allows people of all reading abilities to come together to enjoy great literature, and to use that literature as a launch-pad for personal ...