USGS is part of the Department of the Interior and Pecora was promoted to Under Secretary in 1971, but sadly passed away just days before the launch on July 23, 1972. The symposium is co-sponsored by NASA and USGS. NASA builds and launches Landsats, USGS operates them. All of that is ...
January 15 – February 9, 2018 –The Money Museum At The Federal Reserve Bank Of Kansas City– Denver, Colorado February 19 – March 15, 2018 –The Money Museum At The Federal Reserve Bank Of Kansas City– Kansas City, Missouri If you are a museum, cultural or educational institution and...
In an INFORMS webinar, Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara discussed "The Princeton 20," a framework to manage 10 business and 10 technical risk factors. Watch a recording of the webinar here. Read More July 27, 2020 Podcast: Safe Seating with Irv Lustig and Danny Clinkscale To ...
Saturday 15 June | Why not join us for two exciting events happening in Mourne 7am | Dawn Chorus | Meeting at Mourne Park | Kilkeel 1.30pm | Beetle and Ladybird ID | Meeting at Gate Lodge | Silent Valley Neil Delamere Saturday 15 June 2013 | 8.15pm | Doors open 7.30pm | £12 St...
(and, I’d imagine, incredibly draining) pipeline. Every wannabe musician dreams of striking TikTok gold like DiRusso did at the end of 2021, and they especially dream of it happening as early in their careers as DiRusso’s moment was in hers. And even though DiRusso is the first to ...
The east-west stoplight at Third and Center was taken out by MODOT a few years ago because things like this kept happening. In this crash from 2016, the car was eastbound, ran the light and spun the truck (driven by former Mayor Roy Hark) around and took out a street light. Since ...