When you start work for the first time, you will not have a form P45, soyour employer should ask you to complete a Starter Checklist(this used to be known as form P46). The checklist asks you for certain information to help your employer allocate an 'emergency' tax code and work out ...
22、Chemistry - 5.0A. RoineJune 28, 2002並 Databate E dilori C.H 5 C5DATABASE 5MAI N D B 5.H SC-|n|x|File Edit Insert Delete Format Fit HelpFind FormulfliSlructuial FoimulaChennicdl NLdmeRhHHHbOH RbOH nbOH(g|ManDB FileRbN(3 RhN03rDl RbNO3(fl)KbNU3M RbN4g RhNA(g) RbN(gJ...