{ "items": [ { "configid": "3d448933e2e34e32a150aaeba73bc466", "http_code": 302, "product_type": "WhatsApp", "push_content": "{\"entry\":[{\"changes\":[{\"field\":\"account_update\",\"value\":{\"phone_number\":\"111\",\"event\":\"VERIFIED_ACCOUNT\"}}],\"id\...
如果执行重试可能导致某个操作在Redis中被重复执行,因此不是所有操作均适合设计重试机制。...通常推荐仅重试幂等的操作,例如SET操作,即多次执行SET a b命令,那么a的值只可能是b或执行失败;如果执行LPUSH mylist a则不是幂等的,可能导致mylist中包含多个a元素。...2.3 避免重试嵌套避免重试嵌套,否则可能会导致重复...
A recent addition is a version of the decryption routine translated to in-browser JavaScript. Runnode index_jsdemo.js(just needed because browsers don't allow changing HTTP headers for WebSockets), then openclient/login-via-js-demo.htmlas a normal file in any browser. The console output shou...
Also make sure that, when establishing the connection, the HTTP header Origin: https://web.whatsapp.com is set, otherwise the connection will be rejected. Messages When you send messages to a WhatsApp Web websocket, they need to be in a specific format. It is quite simple and looks like...
To start with, the program starts with a socket.io and HTTP server. When a new client is connected to socket.io, the application will request a selenium instance. This will start a new browser to connect with the WhatsApp web version. ...
First, a webhook makes an HTTP request to a URI that you provide to Twilio. When it receives this request, your application performs pre-defined logic. This could be something like database read/writes or calling another API. Finally, your application sends a TwiML response to Twilio in ...
你可以通过一个webhook来接收 你可以在this guide中找到关于PHP中Twilio webhooks的详细解释。$body变量将...
Current Locationis a static type of content, similar to a timestamp. This means the location information you receive from a user indicates where the user was in that particular moment in time when they triggered the "send location" action. ...
我相信你可以通过在调用Twilio API之前添加await关键字来解决这个问题。