For a long time now, WhatsApp has included a feature that shows when a user was last online or last active on the messaging platform, which can be either helpful or a hindrance, depending on your personal or business situation. As regular WhatsApp users will know, the "Last Seen" status...
Sarcasm is now a days a new trend on social media and networking apps, specially on facebook and... English Whatsapp Status 30+ Muharram Karbala Status For 2016 October 4, 2016 10th of muharram is youm-e-ashura for all muslims because on this day the Hazrat Imaam Hussain... ...
Covid-19 led to an increase in WhatsApp users according to a survey of more than 25,000 consumers in 30 markets. To be more specific, WhatsApp saw a 40% increase in usage — higher than the initial bump of 27% in the earlier days of the pandemic. Countries that were already in the...
Try Aura free for 14 days. It Pays to be Wary on WhatsApp Apps like WhatsApp offer low-cost ways for scammers to reach billions of targets around the world. A recent data leak, for example, exposed nearly 500 million WhatsApp phone numbers from 84 countries. Armed with such stolen ...
I'm missing something in my life these days. I wonder if you know what you are doing to me… The more I try to hate you, the more I fall in love with you. A tear is made of … 1% water and 99% feelings. Never put your happiness in someone else's hands… ...
for a full year if you think you’ll be using the app often. No matter which subscription model you opt for, you’ll have access to all of ClevGuard’s features for WhatsApp monitoring. There’s also a 30-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try its features risk-free today. ...
5 days ago, it was not functioning properly and it wasn’t out of update then so I been dropping a texts for my friends but my messages couldn’t drop and theirs was not dropping also, my status was not loading as if I has bad internet 🛜 connection but my network was perfect then...
You can transfer 30 WhatsApp items within 3 days for free. Except for WhatsApp, you can move Viber, Line history as well. What’s more, AnyTrans is a wonderful software for you to switch to a new iPhone, which means you can transfer everything between iOS devices.Free...
I'm missing something in my life these days. I wonder if you know what you are doing to me… The more I try to hate you, the more I fall in love with you. A tear is made of … 1% water and 99% feelings. Never put your happiness in someone else's hands… ...
48 - The first five days after the weekend are the hardest. Motivational WhatsApp Status Quotes# 49 - I plan to make the rest of my life, the best of my life! 50 - A bad attitude is like a flat tire, and you can't go anywhere until you change it. ...