Indeed, rather than pretending his new do was all natural, Akon has been refreshingly transparent about the hair procedure he traveled to Turkey for, telling all about how he suffered in the name of vanity: "The painful part is in the beginning when they gotta numb you up," he said (via...
Even he had to take a photo of the bike when he was done. So I did. Just a short shakedown spin of about 25 flat kilometres. The leap from Lapierre to Franco was more subtle than when I transitioned from my aluminum Orbea to Lapierre’s carbon suppleness. But even on a flat route...
even if it is the truth. All the domesticated and pet journalists will be disbanded; only the wild ones will remain free to write whatever they want, to
Returning to school this year, like last year, is going to look different than what we are used to. Schools in New York are kind of making it work like they did last year. Based on our experience during the last few months of in-person school, they are already equipped with a plan,...
They got older, that’s what… But they haven’t changed. Much. ByThorne Dreyer November 1976 Someone came up to me recently with some hot news. “Hey, did you hear about Jerry Rubin? He’s selling wallpaper on television.” ...
Today, the average male employee works about 100 hours more each year than he did 20 years ago. For women, it's an estimated 200 hours. Accelerating Automation 6) Automation (specifically, digitization) is becoming increasingly important in both the production and service sectors. In the past,...
Holman did. Also, while I think that Holman’s weasel-wording is entirely misplaced, I think they really would have been better off pointing out, “Three of our books are in the Best Novel category. At this point, we’d be betting against ourselves financially speaking.” But I don’t...
” they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body” Nearly ten years ago, when former US President Bush declared war on terrorism, he said he would do whatever he could to protect his people. So did Mr. Obama as he said: “After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and...
(缘故), even though she was clearly dying and I was so large.He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life, should I have been careless enough to step on her.His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate'...