The Plant Hardiness Zone Map was updated for the 2024 gardening season with the addition of thousands more local weather stations. Look at your growing zone or gardening zone to understand which plants can survive your area’s climate. Did your planting zone change? What Are Planting Zones? Whe...
What planting zone is Auburn in? Auburn is in USDA planting zone 8b, which means plants can survive the lowest winter temperatures of 15°F to 20°F. Need help? From minus temperatures to coastal charm, Alabama has something for everyone. Just selecting the right plants according to your pl...
Planting according to your area’s plant hardiness zone will help you be a better gardener. Do Plant Hardiness Zones Change? Plant Hardiness Zones get adjusted on occasion. The first major changes were made in 1990, when scientists at the USDA began looking at climate change data (What Is Th...
6. Zone 6 (-10 to 0): Winter squash, butter lettuce, oregano, and coriander all flourish in this zone. 7. Zone 7 (0 to 10): Try planting turnips, arugula, peony, and forget-me-nots if you live in Zone 7. 8. Zone 8 (10 to 20): Zone 8 is the perfect climate for water...
Understanding what planting zone Indiana is in is crucial for selecting the right plants for your yard. The state falls within USDA hardiness zones5b to 7a. This means that depending on where you are in the state, the most extreme cold temperatures can range from -15 to 5 F. So, we wil...
What zone is Michigan in for planting flowers? In Michigan, our hardiness zones range from4a inthe western Upper Peninsula and northern Lower Peninsula, to 6b in the southeast and along the Lake Michigan lakeshore. East Lansing, Michigan is in zone 5b (-10 to -15 F) (Figure 2). ...
For some, you may notice that your Zone has shifted to the next Zone up. This is because temperature readings have increased from those taken in 2012. However, this doesn’t mean you have to change your planting plan to suit. The USDA says, “What has thrived in your yard will most ...
Measuring Nutrient Accumulation Rates of Potatoes-Tools for Better Management Nitrogen: Approximately two-thirds of the total plant N is accumulated in the first few months following planting. Therefore, an adequate availability of N must be maintained in the root zone to support this rapid uptake....
For planting dates tailored to your area, check out ourGarden Planner’s Succession Plantingfeature to help you to plan where and when to sow your successional crops. Start by double clicking on a crop to bring up the plant edit box. Now set the dates it will be in the ground. Repeat ...
Katie suggests planting the common hackberry,Celtis occidentalis,instead. 'This medium-sized tree has a natural growing habit and interesting bark, adding structure and texture to backyards without becoming invasive.' The common hackberry can be grown from US zone 2 plus, doing best in moist soil...