Your zodiac sign, element, and horoscope for 2025 are determined by your birth year. Use our Chinese zodiac calculator to discover your Chinese zodiac, elements, and predictions for 2025.
What is my Chinese zodiac sign and element? The 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope are, in this order:Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. KarmaWeather'sChinese zodiac calculator(from your date of birth) is a free, simple and direct me...
"Shotgunners" What Is Your Zodiac Sign? - Is Astrology Real? - The Vibe Test (Podcast Episode 2022) - Awards, nominations, and wins
Chinese Zodiac Years Chartto Find your Zodiac Sign There is a time gap in the year dates between lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. Therefore, some people born in January or February of Gregorian calendar may actually have the animal sign of the last year. What is my Chinese zodiac sign...
rat sign (1984 ±12) → Here you can find which chinese sign you are, just enter your birth date and time (if you know it) and click the button:what chinese zodiac sign am I? Find your chinese sign here: Birth Date Time (is the Solar Time) Astrological Chinese Year beginning(...
If you want to know which is your compatible zodiac sign, you can play this zodiac compatibility quiz. Do you believe in zodiac signs? It is a part of the conversation when two infatuated persons meet for the first time. The relationships will only work if the couple is compatible enough ...
As the first zodiac sign, Aries are known as the leaders of the zodiac. They are passionate, pioneering, and bold, never afraid to follow their heart’s desires and conquest whatever it is that they set their eyes upon. As eternal children at heart, Aries like to enjoy life by creating...
The zodiac is divided into 12 signs. The zodiac sign symbols each cover roughly the equivalent of a month's time. But unlike our calendar months, time for zodiac signs is calculated differently. This is because Western astrologists calculate the first sign based off the Northern hemisphere's ...
→ Read more about the Taurus Zodiac Sign Gemini: May 21 - June 20The Twins. An Air sign, ruled by Mercury... → Read more about the Gemini Zodiac Sign Cancer: June 21 - July 22The Crab. An Water sign, ruled by the Moon... ...
The Chinese zodiac has 12 animal signs. Your zodiac is determined by your birth years, which can influence your relationship compatibility, personality, and horoscope.