Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. It generates earth energy and helps us connect with this element in our lives. Capricorn season helps us feel centered, clear, and ready to handle the myriad of energies life throws at us. It also helps us be discerning when needed and make decisions tha...
Pisces is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac, and her energy reminds us that we are spiritual beings in a human form. ThroughoutPisces seasonand the new Moon in Pisces, it’s a time to practice being the most observant self or the witness self. It is a time to watch sensations wit...
... the airport. Then I spotted my friend Diane who was wearing a beige coat also. (She is a lot like Princess Diana) She came over to me and we hugged. I said to her, "I hope you are coming back." She said ... THE...