I've been watching your walkthroughs for a couple years now, I think you and what you do is amazing! You've inspired me. That being said, I've been thinking about live streaming my own walkthroughs on twitch very soon! I was just wondering if you might have any advice for me? Th...
A YouTube Short is a brief video on YouTube, usually done to share your thoughts with the world, show off your skills with editing and filming, advertise something for brands, etc. They are designed to be around 15-60 seconds long, typically shorter, though, because that's just how good...
When the YouTuber and Luxy Hair co-founder was getting her hair extension company off the ground in 2010, she knew the social media platform would be key. Through her YouTube videos, she grew the brand’s channel to more than 3three million subscribers, helping Luxy Hair flourish into a ...
Some YouTubers will appear to be in an office setting or meeting room. Personally, I find backgrounds like Tyler Moore’s living room to be very inviting and relaxing. You may want to use objects in your frame that relate somehow to the topic of your video (the way that we’ve ...
Most YouTubers who have juststarted their career on YouTubeare stuck with this same question in mind. Well, the laptops or tablets that you use for Vlogging or live streaming come with an in-built camera, but its camera quality is not up to the mark. So, if you want to record your...
For content creation workflows, you'll need content creators (bloggers, YouTubers, videographers, etc.), editors, type, and other stakeholders involved in content creation. Whether your team is using a a task-based workflow or a status-based workflow, everyo...
Understand the basics– Whether it’s from this guide, a dedicated online course, or your favorite YouTuber, learning about keyframes in general and their basic types and functions can create a strong foundation for more complex editing tasks that’ll come later. ...
Ever dreamt of making money while you sleep? Or turning your passion into a profitable online venture? Affiliate marketing might just be your golden ticket. In today's digital age, affiliate marketing has emerged as a powerful way for individuals and bus
I see “Best of” compilations of videos from other channels uploaded by other YouTube subscribers (e.g. content compilations from Game Grumps created by other YouTubers using already-existing Game Grumps footage stitched together) which were okayed by the creators of those channels, but they we...
The obvious thing you'll need to become a virtual YouTuber is a model to act as your online persona. There are multiple ways to go about this, but the most-used program for this amongst top VTubers is Live2D. Let's say you already have a 2D illustration (perhaps a drawing that you...