The Andes Mountains are the longest and one of the highest mountain ranges (山脉) in the world. They run through 7 countries in South America. Although life is 36 easy there, the Inca people lived in the Andes Mount...
(3)twenty-fouryearsod24岁指年龄Heistwenty-fouryearsod. 10.Hesotoffandaskedthewomanwhathappened.(3a) 【考点分析】|getoff下车(反)geton上车 【拓展】与get相关的短语: getup起床getback回来;取回 getover克服;度过getto到达 geton/aongwewith与...相处融getinaword插话 ...
And then I started house hunting, with the idea of moving my stuff down here, living here for 7-8 years, and then possibly moving back to the U.S.. I don’t currently see staying here forever, but ask me again in 7 years. And in a couple of years, I’ll go on trips to visi...
18. the forces of nature 自然界的力量 19. reach the top 到达顶峰 20. even though 虽然;尽管 21. at birth 在出生的时候 22. be awake 醒着 23. run over with excitement 兴奋地跑过去 24. walk into sb. 撞到某人 2...
He did not realize what a mistake he had made. 他没有意识到他犯了多么严重的错误。年之We agreed that ni ght that we would meet here a gai n exactly twenty years from the date and time ,no matter what our con diti ons might be or fro m what dist...
k Her f⅛cc hadnt altered much o∖ cr ihc years. k AS We affbct and Iransfbnn nature, ∖ve arc affbctcd and transformed by nature. k The CrOWd had iii-ICd ugly, and the POIiCe tried to StOP him. k PriCeS ∖ arv greatly depending On the time Of year and type Of ...
During the last few months the crazy whirling stream that I swim in has taken a strange course in that I have been exposed to more violence in this time then I am normally exposed to across 2-3 years. I have not been the target of any of this violence but I have had a seat close...
Of course I like to see my friend Alice in the evening. Alice works fbr a big company in Singapore. We often have dinner together in a restaurant first. Then we go to a cafe, talking about some interesting things. 五、 W : Hello, Im Alice. Pm fifteen years old. Im a student now...
How large a segment of the general public who were formerly unaware are now wondering what we have been paying these people for, all these years with our dollars and attention, when all they have been is the Democrat Party public affairs branch. Those who have been paying close attention mig...
He did not realize what a mistake he had made. 他没有意识到他犯了多么严重的错误。We agreed that ni ght that we would meet here a gai n exactly twenty years from the date and time ,no matter what our con diti ons might be or fro m what distanee we might hav...