超星尔雅学习通《大学英语口语》2021章节测试含答案 1.1Part 1 Phonetics: Vowels 1、根据发音规则,找出以下单词中划线部分发音不同的1个单词。 A、sofa B、sit C、kick D、lip 正确答案:A 2、根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中发[?]音的1个单词。 A、rat B、bed C、face D、sport 正确答案:A 3、根据发音规...
Glaciersaremeltingfasterthananytimeinover2,000years,andoceanlevelsarerisingattwice theratesince2006. Atthecurrentpace,theresearchersexpectglobaltemperaturestorisebyatleast1.5℃, comparedtopre-industriallevels,withinthenext20years.Thetemperatureincreaseswillresultin significantchangestotheplanet?swatercycle.Areasthatc...
new toy for the company.He has been granted a trip to visit a company in San Francisco.He is not interested in math.He is not liked by his teacher.He has got too much homework.He has disappointed his parents.He was very good at math but rather slow at reading.He was considered a ...
In the 20th century the planet's population'doubled twice.It will not double even once in the 1 century,because birth rates in much of the world have 2 steeply.But the number of people over 65 is set to 3 within just 25 years.This shift in the structure of the...
“developmental”, i. e. , they occur prior to the individual’s twenty-second birthday, often form genetic conditions, and are severe enough to effect three or more areas of development, such as mobility, communication, employment, etc. Most other disabilities are considered “adventitious”, ...
It is this group that continued the conflict for the last 30 years and it is them that are usually referred to by talk about the IRA. ①1919 年由新芬党组建。②1919 年爱尔兰共和军在复活节起义的基础上同英国政府斗争,英国政府不得不正视它的影响。③1969 年分裂为两部分。正式派:主张通过政治手段...
are considered(consider) deaf. It's not easy being deaf,and although some kids are born deaf,many others lose their hearing later on.So it's important to know how 4. to be (be)a good friend with anyone in the Deaf ...
Most people work until they are about 60 years old. Then they retire and have a lot of free time. Some people never retire. These people usually have interesting jobs. Writers, artists, scientists and actors usually work till they are very old.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。小题1:One should ...
Years have been spent carefully acquiring the best of the best of the best, and there is probably not a single, great wine of the 20th century that this collector has not had on multiple occasions ... After many months of quiet persistence on my part, I finally convinced this collector ...
③The third period covers the last fifteen years of his life. The Canterbury Tales was the most famous one. It has a general prologue and twenty four tales. The general prologue is considered the best part of the whole work. The work was left unfinished upon the death of the poet in ...