(2022·江苏省常熟中学高二期中)Somepeoplefearthatrobotswillreplacehumansinthe workplace,butatDAWN Cafethatcouldn?tbefurtherfromthetruth.Theserobots, 1 (equip)withcamerasandspeakers,can 2 (control)fromadistance,whichallowspeoplewith disabilitiestowork.Theemployeescontroltherobotsfromhome, 3 (use)theInternet....
1.According to the passage what is likely to happen when robots become more common in the future? A. People will be much lazier. B. More people will lose their jobs. C. People may become physically weaker. D. More people may become less intelligent. 2.Mind-reading technology will help ...
People from branch office come to the head office once a year to have an early meeting. The supervisor often fixed targets quietly. It seems that the hr department is recruiting new employers all the year around. The the pure general manager with the branch companies. It seems that uh, hr...
①Robots are currently under a two-year trial in Wales which will train 'farmbots' to herd, monitor the health of livestock, and make sure there is enough pasture for them to graze on. ②The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, cattle and food,...
According to the Ministry of Finance, China vowed to continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy this year and appropriately enhance its intensity. Notably, the issuance of ultra-long special treasury bonds has drawn widespread attention. These bonds will be used to implement major national strat...
1. According to the passage, what is likely to happen when robots become more common in the future? A. People will be much lazier. B. More people will lose their jobs. C. People may become physically weaker. D. More people may become less intelligent. 2.Mind-reading technology will hel...
Willrobotssoonbepickingsoftfruitsandsalad? Ittakesacertainskilltopickastrawberryor asalad.Whilecropslikewheatandpotatoeshave been harvested mechanicallyfordecades,many fruitsandvegetableshaveprovedresistanttoautomation. 11 Butrecently,technologicaldevelopmentsand advancesinmachinelearninghaveledtosuccessfultrialsof more...
According to the Ministry of Finance, China vowed to continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy this year and appropriately enhance its intensity. Notably, the issuance of ultra-long special treasury bonds has drawn widespread attention. These bonds will be used to implement major national strat...
There is no doubt that machines are much more powerful and faster than human beings. They can perform multiple tasks simultaneously and produce results in a split second. AI-powered robots can also lift more weight, thereby increasing the production cycle. However, machines cannot build an emotion...
It also plans to foster future industries such as 6G technology and humanoid robots. Liaoning Province, an old industrial base in northeast China, said it will promote clustered, integrated development of new materials, bio-medicine and other emerging industries. Hainan, an island province that ...