This ad caused a massive uproar among the supporters and viewers. The reason for it was that it appeared tone-deaf. The ad made it look like protesting was this hip thing that people do for fun. Also many have even said that it might be reminiscent of the BLM movement. If your ...
insurgency. Although Sanders was dwarfed in recognition by Clinton’s Camelot legacy, the platform Sanders raised, the issues and movement he called forth under the auspices of “Political Revolution” and “Democratic Socialism,” should have been able to cut deeper into the corporate Democratic Par...
I've changed, if subtly, and in ways that trouble a friend here and there. But my thinking is pretty much the same as it was when I was in my 20s. As a "liberal", I never really trusted Big Labor. I've never liked the "politically correct" speech regimen many traditional liberals...
Victoria was a Playmate Centerfold model in 1967 and Playmate of the year in 1968. She became good friends with Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. Victoria Vetri on the cover of Playboy Magazine as Playmate of the year. –Her ex-husband Bruce Rathgeb claimed that Victoria had “threesomes” ...
How To Support The Black Lives Matter Movement ‘Uncle Ben’ Was Based On 2 People 9 Affirmative Action Facts ‘I Opened A Fitness Studio All About Inclusivity’ Porsha Williams Arrested At Breonna Taylor Protest ‘Black Lives Need To Start Mattering At Birth’ ...
While this was a pivotal and important movement, many anticipated that the attention would be short lived and the interest was performative in nature. Unfortunately, many folks were quick to get back to ‘business as normal.' Speaking of this phenomenon, Ilya Parker, founder of Decolonizing ...
(Hayhurst,2016). The library of writings in sociology of sport and human movement by scholars Belinda Wheaton, Holly Thorpe, Rebecca Olive, and lisahunter, have addressed identity and power in organized versus lifestyle sports, sports and development for girls in contexts of war and disaster, ...
I was a college student in my junior year at a no-name public university, at the time of the fall of the South Vietnamese in 1975. My adolescent years had been haunted by the ongoing war in Vietnam, a war painted in the most horrific colors by the then-extent national media. I ...
I am very disappointed that we can’t celebrate in person. But, I think it has forced all of us to reexamine the definition of ‘Pride’ and the true meaning behind the parties and the festivities. As I see the protests on the streets of New York for the BLM movement, I...
As protests against racist police brutality sweep across the U.S., we explain the meaning behind the Black Lives Matter movement and why saying 'All Lives Matter' can be considered tone deaf.