you'll likely want to combine historical data with predictive maps and expert assessments. Some states, like California, are known to have a high historical risk for earthquakes. More centralized states, like Oklahoma, may see more earthquakes in the future due todisposal of oil-production waste...
The place where I started waking up to this ancient advanced worldwide civilization was when i was living in Oklahoma from 2012 to 2016, and part of that waking up process was realizing that these were ancient hydrological systems.Turner Falls in Davis, Oklahoma, which is 114-miles, or 183...
I found myself in a season of transition as a 33 year old executive with a family of 5 and desperately needing God to answer a lot of prayers - and he did - he sent me Jerry. Professionally, Jerry’s the ultimate rainmaker. Driven out of a passion to serve, he’s relentless and ...
You could see in real time what the drone actually was seeing. It was incredible." Since the radar could only confirm the existence of a large object under the ice, the team lowered a steam probe. The latter brought up hydraulic oil, indicating the presence of an aircraft. (Here's a ...
It was here I discovered that there were a lot of sharks in Exmouth. My very first fish landed was an old friend – the brown-striped red snapper. I had the record on this species at one stage, caught during an especially awkward weekend in Thailand. On both bait and jigs, I ...
symptoms ranging from fatigue to muscle pain. STARI can only be diagnosed on the basis of symptoms and geographic location; no blood tests can confirm the infection. It is transmitted by the Lone Star tick, found in central Texas, Oklahoma, the southern states, and up along the Atlantic ...
symptoms ranging from fatigue to muscle pain. STARI can only be diagnosed on the basis of symptoms and geographic location; no blood tests can confirm the infection. It is transmitted by the Lone Star tick, found in central Texas, Oklahoma, the southern states, and up along the Atlantic ...
Hanging out with a three-year-old the other day, I was reading a magazine while he attended his own mysterious business. Suddenly, he clambered up beside me and, clasping my face between small, absurdly warm, moist palms, turned my gaze full upon his own. ...
More recently, in 2015, the Nickel Allergy Alliance was created and, in conjunction with the AAD, continues to push for mandatory regulations of nickel in the US. They suggest that with further regulation of nickel in products, there is a potential avoidance of $5.7 billion per year in ...
Henry Kravis was born on Jan. 6, 1944, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His father, Raymond Kravis, was a successful oil and gas consultant who served as an advisor to Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., the father of President John F. Kennedy. Kravis earned a bachelor's degree from Claremont McKenna College i...