their relationship always seemed to make sense. "I knew that Jeremiah was somebody I would be able to really build a beautiful life with," Berkus explained toPeople, knowing that "I would be able to meet him at any phase of his life in kind and with respect and with joy for his accom...
Jeremiah’s hatred multiplies when his father, Luke, informs him that his mother suffered abuse at the hands of her Mormon husband after being forced into marriage at twelve years old. Due to his father’s association with the Mormon Victim’s Action Committee, Jeremiah gets an opportunity to ...
Five years after the Camp David talks, Barkay’s sifting project turned up a lump of black clay with a seal impression inscribed with the name, in ancient Hebrew, “[Gea]lyahu [son of] Immer.” In the Book of Jeremiah, a son of Immer—Pashur—is identified as chief administrator of ...
The poem has been set to music by several composers, including Jeremiah Ingalls (1764–1838), Elizabeth Poston (1905–1987) and John Rutter. Perhaps the most performed and beautiful version is by Elizabeth Poston. The English composer had a glittering career in various guises, as a highly ...
The 50th year, the year of Jubilee, was also the 1st year of the next set of seven times seven years (49 years). Otherwise if the 50th year didn’t overlap with the 1st year, it would push the subsequent years out by one (i.e. year 1 to 50, then restart next 50 years at yea...
In Jeremiah it says, O LORD, the hope of Israel, all who forsake you will be put to shame. Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the LORD, the spring of living water. (Jer. 17:13) ...
This Letter was written byJack KinsellaonNovember 5, 2005 Featured Commentary:The Doomsday Donald~Wendy Wippel Posted inLeave a reply Pete Garcia 2 I Thought I Saw It Coming Vol: 29 Issue: 1 Wednesday, November 1, 2017 It is incredible, yet true. We are witnessing the unfolding of events...
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1Cor 2:9 As one of the Omega Letter members often says, “Keep Looking up! Maranatha! NOTE From Frank I’ve always conside...
Happy New Year. My neighborhood in DC has turned into some kind of non-diverse Orwellian-H.G. Wells Mother of all BetaFests where most guys talk and act like Mr. Rogers. I’m starting to sashay here. How about your ‘hood? What’s happening in the Midwest and South?
The decision was based onantitrust laws. In a written opinion, Justice Brett Kavanaugh charged the NCAA with building "a massive money-raising enterprise on the backs of student-athletes who are not fairly compensated. Nowhere else in America can businesses get away with agreeing not to pay the...