I doubt it would be made Square Enix dont have the budget I think. Reply00 -150° These 10 Games Better Show at E3 or We Riot OmarBanat|2121d ago |Opinion piece|9| ▼ Sony is skipping E3 this year, but there are still tons of games to fill this void. More information on these...
Before 19 was killed,20 would finish absorbing Cell. I believe he would then be too strong Gohan and Trunks and would rule the Earth. What if Krillin,Tien,Yamcha,and Chaotzu used the Hyperbolic Time Chamber while training for the saiyans,assuming they stayed in the full year? By:Mason ...
Jiaozi Julia Marino has tried lots of different foods in Beijing.But when she was asked in an interview what her favourite meal was in the Olympic Village.Marino answered quickly."My favourite food is jiaozi.I've probably had about200 jiaozi since I came here." Red b...
From Summer 2015 to Spring 2018, Toei produced and releasedDragon Ball Super, a new TV anime that wasn’t a sequel likeGT, but rather an interquel, taking place in the 10-year gap between the penultimate and final episodes ofDragon Ball Z. UnlikeGT,Toriyama was directly involved ...