In Pilies street, there stands theuniversity Church of Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist. Behind its imposing white tower (for a long time the tallest building in Vilnius) lies the entire district occupied byVilnius University. It claims to be the oldest continuously operat...
“The Westerners flashed the most sensational football that has been seen in the East this year,” The New York Times wrote of the event, “baffling the cadets with a style of open play and perfectly developed forward pass, which carried the victors down the field at 30 yards a clip.” ...
Ignored has been the 120 year corporate take-over of the systemic reins of power. The founding fathers were specific in requiring anyone wishing a corporate charter to achieve public good with that corporation. I rather suspect their lack of granting corporations political power was intentional. Sai...
The term Zionism was first coined in the late 1800s by Nathan Birnbaum, an Austrian Jew, who would eventually come to strongly oppose Zionism. Zionism was later popularised and transformed into a real movement by Theodore Herzl. One year after releasingThe Jewish State,Herzl organised the first...
Turkey’s isn’t part of the EU but is geographically part of Europe and part of Asia, the border being the Bosphoros / Istanbul StraitThe Greeks and Italians seem to like each other too.The English like the Scots and will most likely support Scotland in an international football match. ...
If world travel is of interest, why not start traveling in Latin America or Southeast Asia instead of Japan, Western Europe, or Australia? With a possible 60 year retirement, there is plenty of time to go everywhere and see everything, butfront-loading the low cost of living countrieswill ...
in its top luxury niche (Bortolozzi & Tracogna, 2013). Interna is an Italian firm, but its niche is global, and must be, as few super-luxury hotels open in any given country and year – hence the need to sell globally right from the start. Interna partners with internationally ...