在这个讨论中,来自欧亚民主倡议的彼得·扎尔迈夫(Peter Zalmayev)分析了基辅最近针对科鲁斯的一次军事行动。官方确认这是由乌克兰军队所执行的行动。在此次行动之前,有人猜测乌克兰可能试图拖延时间来批评俄罗斯领导层,并强调由于普京关注乌克兰,其国内可能存在未被察
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says the United States will get Ukraine what it needs to fight its war with Russia.
Ukraine's incursion into Russia is "big" and represents much more than just a raid, our security and defence analyst Professor Michael Clarke says. The ISW think-tank has estimated that Ukrainian forces may have penetrated up to 35km (20 miles) inside Russian territory...
In the short- to mid-term perspectives, Ukraine would be better off as a member of the common economic space with Russia and other ECU states, while in the long-term perspective ECU membership could offer a less painful, albeit more protracted, path to economic modernization....
In the short- to mid-term perspectives, Ukraine would be better off as a member of the common economic space with Russia and other ECU states, while in the long-term perspective ECU membership could offer a less painful, albeit more protracted, path to economic modernization....
The United States will provide Ukraine with what it requires “to fight for its survival and security,” Austin said in a speech at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine. He noted that the U.S. has delivered more than $58 billion in security assistance for Ukra...
On August 13, 2024, President Joe Biden made headlines by commenting for the first time on Ukraine's recent audacious attack on Russia's Kursk region. This unexpected move by the Ukrainian military has stirred not only the geopolitical pot but has also caught the attention of military analysts...
After months of military buildups, warnings of violence and diplomatic efforts for peace from nations worldwide, Russia began to invade Ukraine early
This shift towards NATO and/or EU membership has enraged Putin, who has suggested that such a move would threaten Russia. Several recent speeches given by President Putin also have emphasized an outdated and archaic view of Ukraine; Putin has alleged that Ukraine had no history and is not a ...
“In the first month of the war, the stronghold for Russia was really southern Ukraine. They took over Kherson very quickly and two thirds of Zaporizhzhia. They had Snake Island. The whole of the Black Sea coast was almost under their control. They were blocking exports of grain and othe...