What year did the Spanish flu hit Winchester, Virginia? What was the cause of the dancing plague? What was the Hong Kong flu? What caused disease in Jamestown? What caused the yellow fever epidemic in 1793? What caused revolts in Spanish America from New Spain? What caused the measles out...
What year did the Haiti slave revolt occur? What date did the Russian Revolution start? What document resulted from the Mexican Revolution in 1910? What did the Spanish Revolution result in? What is the timeline of the American Revolution?
The article focuses on research in the 2014 issue of "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America" by researcher Worobey and others examining the genetics of the pandemic Spanish flu of 1918 which targeted young adults instead of infants and the elderly.C....
The Spanish flu was a worldwide epidemic that killed between 50 and 100 million people in an 18 month period in 1918 and 1919...
world has experienced repeatedly in the past, from the Justinian plague to the Black Death and the Spanish flu. Though the risk of a pandemic in any given year is estimated to be quite low based on past frequency, they can have dramatic and transformative effects on the economy and society...
Mini Ice Age 2015-2035, covers changes in our climate due to a 400 year cycle in our Sun called a Grand Solar Minimum. Solar Cycle 25 will have almost no sunspot activity bringing us back to conditions similar to 1640-1720's in the Maunder Minimum. Effects during GSM's are always the...
Humanity has struggled against disease for thousands of years, and it's a war not likely to end soon. Some of the more devastating epidemics in history either occurred in the last century, such as the Spanish flu, or continue to plague us today. Many of the victories in developing cures,...
The good news is that pandemics do eventually end, said Smith, and if handled successfully, COVID-19 may reinforce for Canadians the value of their health-care system. One reason Canada has responded with consistent messaging and public trust is that it did learn from the past. ...
two pugilistic years, ending in 1934, the same year Thelma opened her bar/restaurant, Thelma Todd’s Sidewalk Cafe, in the Pacific Palisades. It attracted Hollywood celebrities and square tourists who all wanted to drink booze and groove by the ocean. There are many different stories of where...
new outbreak, initially called the swine flu, was named a pandemic. It infected nearly 61 million people, and experts estimate it killed up to 575,000 people in a single year. The WHO declared the pandemic over in August 2010, but the virus has continued to circulate as a seasonal flu ...