The show in Sister Location, titled "The Immortal and The Restless," is theorized to be based off of Mrs. Afton and Williams relationship, alongside them as people. Like before, the incident causes them to behave differently towards adults and staff members, eventually leading to the infamous ...
The former UTEP linebacker, Seth Joyner, joined the NFL back in the 1980s. He was drafted by the Eagles in 1986 & stayed until 1993. Seth would also play for the Arizona Cardinals, Green Bay Packers & would have his final season for the Denver Broncos in 1998; the same year they woul...
The love story between Lost Girl's Anna Silk and hubby Seth Cooperman plays out like some far-fetched rom-com: Boy meets girl; boy falls for girl, but girl is dating another boy. Cut to sushi bar a year and a half later: Girl flirts with boy; boy can't believe his luck; boy ...
One European belief held that the log had to catch fire on the first attempt to light it, lest bad luck fall upon all the inhabitants of the home where it burned. Another stated that the remains of a log must be kept for the following year's ceremony for good luck, which would ...