Christopher Columbus: Christopher Columbus is the most well-known explorer in history. In 1492, he discovered the Americas. Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, but sailed for the king and queen of Spain. Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: ...
AMERICA WATCHES A CLASSIC COMEDY REACH ITS HAPPY CONCLUSION: What Is Left for Friday Nights?Byline: JANE RIDLEY mourns the loss of an old FriendThe Mirror (London, England)
Google has possibly created the first quantum computer that can perform fast theoretical problem solving, but competitor IBM is disputing the claim.
First-year students who areundecidedabout their major or have changed their area of focus should explore and register for a wide range of courses, experts say. And if there is specific interest in the different histories and cultures of Native Americans and Alaska Natives, take relate...
American startups made $291 billion in 2020 showing investments paid off. Meet the late stage investors in the longevity market and what their priorities are for the coming year. They will share trends, and insights on who will be the winners and why. This essential panel is a critical “...
We estimate that 111.8 million people in the US will use a voice assistant at least monthly this year, up 9.5% from 102.0 million 2018. This amounts to 39.4% of US internet users and 33.8% of the overall population. By 2021, the number of US voice assistant users will reach 122.7 mill...
Although this headline is taken from The New York Times, headlines consisting of the same two words graced the front pages of the Philadelphia Inquirer, The Washington Post, The Columbus Dispatch, and countless other major newspapers around the country in 1998. After a long-running scandal surroun...
What year did Charles Townshend invent the crop rotation? What year did Zacharias Janssen invent the first truly compound microscope? What date did Henry Hudson go on his first voyage? What year did Garrett Morgan invent the hair straightener? What year did Christopher Columbus reach the New Worl...
Senior Editor, Home Services Erica Beimesche is a senior editor at U.S. News 360 Reviews, where she leads the Home Services editorial team. Her goal is to provide readers with valuable advice and unbiased insights into all things homeownership. She covers everything from solar panels and seni...
In 1987, with $500 million in cash from divesting Boussac businesses, Arnault began investing in his next luxury target: Moët Hennessy and Louis Vuitton, two iconic French companies that had merged into LVMH that year.3 What Arnault did next is often cited as his most notorious—and success...