Yet 1979 was THE year for Post-Punk in the UK. See how that works? Mark any date and any given cultural trend is either ascendant or descendant. That’s why it is so much bullshit to say “Music sucked in the 70s.” Because it did not suck, not by a long shot. 1979 was the ...
Taken in 2023, this is the most unflattering Marco Island birthday photo I could find. There isn’t even a beach in it. I didn’t get to MI for my birthday this year. But, even better, I did get to see my energetic peripatetic way-youthful mom Penny Hull in Atlanta last month. Pe...
No, life has not disappointed me. On the contrary, I find it truer, more desirable and mysterious every year -- ever since the day when the great liberator came to me: the idea that life could be an experiment of the seeker for knowledge -- and not a duty, not a calamity, not tri...
an old war horse of the Internet, dating back to year 2000, when “everybody” knew when you put up a new Buddhist website, when there was no social media, when the Internet
It just goes to show why we hear the same 20-30 songs for a bit over a month each year. A little variety isn't too much to ask, right? Get our free mobile app Some of these songs are hilarious when you stop to think about them, though....
Chuck Berry and Run Rudolph Run is the most popular song in Arkansas. It is also the most popular in Indiana, South Carolina, and Kentucky I was actually surprised that the most popular songs were pretty different from last year. What is your favorite Christmas song?
It just goes to show why we hear the same 20-30 songs for a bit over a month each year. A little variety isn't too much to ask, right? Get our free mobile app Some of these songs are hilarious when you stop to think about them, though....
This person’s interest in carvings would be terrifying, in the sense that maybe he’d do some carving on YOU after the ritual killing. Fortunately, he’s gotten a year younger just over the course of posting this ad, so the Benjamin Button syndrome’s probably eliminated the danger by no...
The computer is fixed, I bought a new (used) Playstation 2 and the new cat has at least begun to take naps with me. Come to think of it, every year at the end of winter I sort of turn into Jack Torrance inTHE SHININGfor a spell. This year was just so much worse thanks to the...
Last night (taped in 1978), twelve-year-old Tracee Talavera talked about her life-long preparation to compete as a gymnast in the 1980 Olympics. My perspective was very different from that of the live audience. I knew her big opportunity would be preempted by the US boycott. They cheered...