do buddha, ramana, or jesus still feel the oneness as they would have felt it when they were alive? a: this is a good question, although no one can really answer it until they die. there are some mysteries that are meant to be mysteries. when it comes to something like death, what...
What year did Qin Shi Huangdi die? What was the first dynasty of Imperial China? During what period in Japanese history did the samurai emerge? What is the Heian Period? Did the Tang Dynasty disband Buddhism? How did Gautama Buddha reach enlightenment? What is the history of the Shaolin mon...
Recognizing that all Beings are as Precious as our Mothers (the beginnings of bodhicitta) Remembering the Kindness of Others Equalizing Self and Others (realizing that we all want, and deserve, to be happy) The Disadvantage of Self-Cherishing The Advantage of Cherishing Others (loosening the hold...
What year was the Chinese Communist Revolution? How old was Qin Shi Huang when he became emperor? How many years did Gautama Buddha live? Did Confucius go to school? How old was Qin Shi Huangdi when he became emperor? What did Confucius teach? A. That meditation would reveal the path to...
I sometimes wonder if I should wear a t-shirt with‘I’m Sarah from the Buddhafield emails’ on the back, just so I can meet all the people who I’ve been in touch with over the year! So if you see me in the field, do say hello. I also commission all the posters and flyers...
Their 19-year-old son, Paolo, is having trouble finding an identity, while their 18-year-old daughter, Valentina, has already figured out how to use sex to her advantage. The family goes through a crisis when Carlo begins having an affair, Giulia attempt to seduce the director of a ...
Ice Age elk/moose, a 10,000 year old skeleton in fine shape. Cave bear skull rawr Purty ammonites! Spiky ammonite! Cretaceous sponge colony from France. I hadn’t seen something like this before, so here it is. Trilobites, brittlestars and friends. Well I did wander through the geology...
although I have not been sure if it has been from a continued commitment or sheer momentum. I am in this space where I know I have learned so much during this past year, have a deep sense I have a long way to go before there would not be more to learn, there is more that I wa...
a相传释迦牟尼14岁那年曾驾车出游,先后遇着老人、病人和死尸,非常感伤和苦恼。 Handed down the Buddha for 14 year old of that year once to drive the travel, occurred happen to meet the old person, the patient and the corpse successively, was extremely sad and is worried.[translate] ...
During the Blitz, 40,000 English citizens were killed, or roughly the same number of Americans who will die this year by suicide. While many work to prevent suicide, these few crisis line volunteers are the last line of defense, the last heart extended to those losing heart. ...