In the following year King Hygelac dies and his son succeeds as king but is soon killed in battle with the Swedes. Beowulf is chosen king and rules wisely and well for fifty years. 晚上,哥伦多的母亲来为他的儿子复仇,他带走了荷罗斯加最心爱的参事。贝奥武甫奉命带领他的同伴去搜索海怪。他跳入...
(1)What is it that Adam has none, Eve has two and everyone has three? (2)What is it that the dead eat and the living would die if they ate? 试题答案 在线课程 答案: 解析: (1)the letter “e” (2)nothing 练习册系列答案
Christmas falls on a Monday this year The accent falls on the first syllable Fall Yield to temptation or sin; Adam and Eve fell Fall Lose office or power; The government fell overnight The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen Fall To be given by assignment or distribution; The most difficul...
Each year, about 8,000 venomous snake bites occur in the US and about 5 of those people die. You’ve got a good chance of survival if you seek medical attention immediately however that isn’t always easy to do. We have some of the most beautiful hiking trails and some can take you...
Christmas falls on a Monday this year The accent falls on the first syllable Fall Yield to temptation or sin; Adam and Eve fell Fall Lose office or power; The government fell overnight The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen Fall To be given by assignment or distribution; The most difficul...
‘Silent Night’ is one of the world’s most famousChristmasmelodies. The story goes that the carol (originally ‘Stille Nacht’) was first performed on the evening of Christmas Eve in 1818. Joseph Mohr, a young Catholic priest at St Nicholas Church, Oberndorf bei Salzburg in Austria, was ...
Thankfully, God has offered a way of salvation for those whose souls are doomed to die. Matthew 16:26: "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?" We cannot allow ourselves to get distracted...
2. When did the incident occur? Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 参考答案: 1. B 2. C Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) Inability to implement their business plans. ...
3. exams and tests When someone completes an exam or test, you say that they take the exam or test. Have you taken your driving test yet? She took her degree last year. 4. time If something takes a certain amount of time, you need that amount of time in order to do it. How lon...
…I hardly thought twice about the things I had to do on the farm: driving cattle, castrations, dehorning, and I did my fair share of butchering too. Nowadays I ask myself from both the perspective of the old me and the new me, what does humane mean in the way it is being used...