《工作是什么》的作者菲利普.莱文(Philip Levine)出生于1928年,来自美国底特律一个“蓝领”(干体力活的无产阶级)家庭,14岁就不得不到汽修厂和炼钢厂打工谋生。但他一直想当诗人,于是他一边上夜班,一边利用业余时间写诗,并用打工挣来的钱上大学,终于,1953他拿到了爱荷华大学的文学艺术硕士。 1991年,通过《工作是什...
Random House, Inc. Academic Resources | What Work Is by Philip LevineWhat Work IsKnopf
Experimental results demonstrate that instruction is nec- essary to make video completion controllable, MMVG can address all three TVC tasks, and our proposed masking strat- egy enhances the temporal modeling, which further benefits general video generation/predictio...
Airlines have traditionally tried to reduce luggage weight by increasing the price of checked bags and setting strict weight limits, but nonfinancial nudges could work by helping passengers understand how their decisions affect fuel consumption. For example, at check-in or at the time of booking,...
Damon Linker’s summaryof Edmund Burke’s conservative view. Exiting the bubble To work atThe Free Press, though, you have to completely exit the bubble. This is one of the things I’ve come to value most about it. My colleagues and our contributors have opinionsacross the political spectru...
Researchers are also working to explain the cardiac damage, with recent attention shifting from viral myocarditis to systemic inflammation. But experts said that the most important question is the clinical one: What will COVID-19–associated heart injury mean, over the short-term and long-term, ...
The self-help corollary to arnarchy does enormous work in neorealism, generating the inherently competitive dynamics of the security dilemma and collective action problem. Self-help is not seen as an “institution” and as such occupies a privileged explanatory role vis-a-vis process, setting the...
Children and young people with care-experience (e.g. foster, kinship and residential care) report poorer mental health and wellbeing than the general popul
How informative this and other information on aged hematopoiesis is remains to be determined by further investigation. Recent work from our laboratory [1] has observed that at least some of the abnormalities of HSCs from old mice may be more of an artifact of the collection and processing of ...
Work and workers have been the subject of poetry since at least the Middle Ages. In the prologue...Bloch, Deborah P.Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Career Development Quarterly