when we thought bikin when were close like when well be together when winter and summe when you are informed when you are really f when you ay youre gon when you believe hous when you bless when you compare the when you fast do not when you feel confuse when you feel hurt an when ...
That in or on which any person or thing is, or may be, carried, as a coach, carriage, wagon, cart, car, sleigh, bicycle, etc.; a means of conveyance; specifically, a means of conveyance upon land. Car A clique or gang. Vehicle That which is used as the instrument of conveyance ...
Novelist Paula Hawkins wrote her 2015 novelThe Girl on the Trainvery quickly, but this approach was mostly the result of necessity. In one interview she explained it this way: "I wrote the first half really quickly and I think a lot of that desperation is in the text, you can see it....
I'm noticing that the search feature is not picking up key words like it used to. In fact, the only way I can find comps is to use as few words as
Moving to suburban America from England probably feels like what the settlers encountered when they departed their wagon trains in the Wild West. I saw a man with a pistol strapped to his waist entering a church the other day. Maybe he was worried about wild animals—a cougar or a bear or...
The other thing about the higher-than-locally-normal price is that, during my 2-3 months of house/condo hunting, I got a fairly good sense of what the market was like, and how it was trending. The real estate market in Ecuador did really slow down during COVID, and places were takin...
Perhaps this world is running too fast. I have always felt it was running too fast for me, I have always felt like I was falling off the wagon. Even before kids and before my responsibilities began to feel elephantine. But I did 30 posts this November, and while I do not congratulate...
What were the most popular TV shows in 1958? The Top Ten TV Shows in 1958 were: Gunsmoke (CBS) Wagon Train (NBC) Have Gun Will Travel (CBS) The Rifleman (ABC) The Danny Thomas Show (CBS) Maverick (ABC) Tales of Wells Fargo (NBC) ...
I like the better fuel economy a car gives, just would like a bit higher ingress/egress height. Probably a full sized wagon would be about right (aside from the fuel economy, but remember engines have improved in that respect since those cars ...
Barney, the big lovable purple dinosaur, first debuted in a TV show in April 1992. By November,more than 25,000 people were flocking to eventsaround the country, forming lines almost a mile long just to get a glimpse of the dino. Barney merchandise sold like crazy that first year. ...