What communication technology was used during World War 1? Communication Advancements Prior to World War I, communications between those on the battlefield and those elsewhere were rudimentary. Generals would send human and animal messengers. This was a dangerous approach, but during wartime, communicat...
After Lithuania regained independence in the year 1990, Vilnius population ceased to expand. However, a few new districts were developed as people were eager to buy their own modern homes (during the Soviet occupation, the square meters of living space per one person in Vilnius used to be ...
1, London: John W. Parker and Son. 2 TAIL RISK WORKING PAPERS On the statistical properties and tail risk of violent conflicts Pasquale Cirillo⇤, Nassim Nicholas Taleb† ⇤Applied Probability Group, Delft University of Technology, †Tandon School of Engineering, New York University Abstract...
As for “what if” my best recommendation is to stop watching television. If you look at all of the trends that matter (cost of food, cost of energy, human productivity, advances in medicine, computing, etc…) the world is trending towards utopia. That is boring though, so TV news show...
Having abundant resources, technology brought from Europe, and geographic isolation during the wars probably helped some. Later, both in the above and in the other segments of the file, the apparent failure of the Native Americans to advance technologically relative to the more recent arrivals is ...