Leecher is sometimes used in gaming to describe players who don't contribute. He was kicked out of the team for being a Leecher. 5 Seed A small dry fruit, spore, or other propagative plant part. Leecher One who leeches; a physician. Seed Seeds considered as a group A farmer buying se...
Following the first day lecture on Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 for the Global University for Sustainability, Keekok Lee continued on a second day on some topics: Anatomy as structure; physiology as function (and process); Process ontology, and thing ontology; Qi ju as qi-in-concentrating ...
It strikes me that cupping is very similar in principle to the way leeches were used in the past. This is a really ancient art, and quite fascinating. My friend is always trying out these things. I remember being shocked to see her back when we went swimming, as it was covered in man...
Why leeches are used in Ayurveda? A Leech can suck about ten times of its own body weight, hence the leech issuitable as a therapeutic aid for blood letting. During the process of sucking, leeches secrete various biological enzymes in to the blood though its saliva. Hirudin is one important...
In these instances, removing a certain amount of blood can prevent organ damage and dangerousblood clots. Even leeches haven’t completely disappeared from modern medical science. Leeches excrete many substances useful in medicine, such as ananticoagulant. Leeches are sometimes used, for example, to...
In addition to its religious symbolism, frankincense has been recognized for its possible health benefits — most notably,anti-inflammatoryproperties — for thousands of years. "In Vedic [ancient Indian] and Chinese herbal medicine, frankincense has been used to mitigate the symptoms ofarthritis,chroni...
The ecological commons includes provisioning (e.g., food, raw materials, medicine, water supplies), regulating (e.g., climate, water, soil retention, flood retention), cultural (e.g., science and education, artistic, spiritual), and supporting (e.g., soil formation, nutrient cycling, water...
andnormalcyin 1857. This is shocking for a word that masquerades as an ever-present universal truth. Whennormalwas first used it had nothing to do with people, or society, or human behavior.Normandnormalwere Latin words used by mathematicians.Normalcomes from the Latin wordnormawhich refers to...
History was a long rise upward; before agriculture, men were simply brutes, dominated by violence, hunger, and fear. One even found (in science fiction, here as so often the manifestation of contemporary wishes and fears) the expectation that organic life itself was a sort of rot, a corru...
since most of these things were implanted before we could even talk. It’s what allows us to function in our birth culture after we learn to talk. Even those of us who are less people oriented do know to run from a certain tone of voice, etc. And there’s a much deeper programming...