What was Amerigo Vespucci searching for? What was the purpose of Ferdinand Magellan's voyage? What was Oliver Cromwell tried for? What did Hernan Cortes want to find? What was Christopher Columbus motivation? What were Bartolomeu Dias motives in the Age of Exploration?
How did Prince Henry contribute to the Age of Exploration? English explorers like Cabot, Frobisher and Hudson were searching for what? What happened on the last voyage of Henry Hudson? What was Henry Hudson's crew like? What was the Henry Hudson mutiny? What was the goal of Christopher Colu...
What did John Cabot do before he became an explorer? What were Bartolomeu Dias motives in the Age of Exploration? What did Christopher Columbus discover in the New World? What did Christopher Columbus actually discover? What was Vasco Nunez de Balboa searching for? What discoveries did Balboa an...
What were Bartolomeu Dias motives in the Age of Exploration? What did Francisco Pizarro discover? What spices did Ferdinand Magellan find? What did Louis Riel do for the Metis? What did John Cabot do before he became an explorer? What did Walter Hunt invent?
What was Franklin Pierce famous for? What did Benjamin Franklin teach? For what purpose was Henry Stanley sent to Africa? How did Ferdinand Magellan's exploration help his country? What were Bartolomeu Dias motives in the Age of Exploration? What did John Cabot accomplish on his first expedition...
What were Bartolomeu Dias motives in the Age of Exploration? What did Vasco Nunez de Balboa discover? What contributions did Christopher Columbus make to world exploration? What was the purpose of Christopher Columbus's second voyage? What was Amerigo Vespucci looking for?