Everyone in the ancient desert lands would have been familiar with a camel, its behaviors, and the purposes for which it kneels. Interestingly enough, nomads today still use camels as the ancients did. Bedouins have always referred to camels as "God's gift." In the ancient world, the came...
A supposed divinely inspired Bible, without admitting one’s interpretation could be wrong, causes many relational atrocities. The Bible in the past has been used to defend slavery. It is claimed God condemn gays. Many may be unaware biblical scholars who respect the Bible don’t believe Script...
And so the Matron Saints (h/t to my friend Michelle Bartel, who came up with the title) were born. I made twelve, and each was a woman in a Bible story whom I admired or thought a lot about and who represented an issue in the world, the nation, or my life. Creating them helped...
When I got back to my rooms, I napped for about 2 hours, and it was all worth it, to see the oldest ruins I have ever seen, not to mention the camels. Camels! And here I am in the ruins just before I fainted. Concurrent with the symposium was an exhibit at the Negev Museum of...
(Quran 5:3). Camels, for example, are halal. Additional prohibitions stem from the Hadith, the reports of the sayings and practices of the Prophet Muhammed. These include proscriptions against carnivores, birds of prey, and animals that live part of their lives in both land and water (e...
Camels, in contrast, although they are cloven footed, are not considered to have "true hooves;" they walk on a broad elastic pad under the middle digits, with two fingernail-like toenails splayed out in front (Klingel 1990; Figs. 3c, 4c). Their foot pos- ture is digitigrade. Plot...
used to milk at 4:00 in the morning. During winter here, I mean, it's black until like 7:30. In order to get the cows, they were in heat, so the bull is out there with them. At 4:00 in the morning we're going out there with this big spotlight looking for the cows because...
so apparently the first humans were ethiopians (all of us on planet earth today are descendants.). It’s land of the first Hijira pilgrimage and where the first Azan (morning prayers for muslims) were screamed world wide. Ethiopia is mentioned more than 40 times in the Bible and other sac...
I came with the assumption that Riyadh wouldn’t have many interesting sights– but I was wrong. There were definitely enough to keep my four days busy and exciting. Most shops and restaurants close at prayer times (that’s five times a day) and many only open at 4pm, so I had to ...
Surely it is a fact. It happened. Butwhathappened? This is the best explanation I have seen, and it is compelling. It is offered by a Christian lawyer who examined all the available evidence from Scripture and added to it historical information from other ancient sources. He also used spiff...