Anarcho-capitalism is a type of anti-statist political philosophy that is built around free market capitalism. The basics of...
What Hath God wrought?(The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom Capitalism, and Western Success)(Book review)Valiunas, Algis
the death of capitalism, yes, that's it, the day has come, the little king underground, I can't see him. Capitalism is also gone, to clarify the knowledge of capitalism, we have to start with the major mutations of capitalism, in the economic life of the feudal era in Europe, it d...
What If the Russian Revolution Hadn’t Happened? Arguing that the Soviet Union only went wrong in the 1960s. That it was economically efficient up until then, and establish global equality for women, the lower classes and non-whites.
”12A well-constructed rail network may actually reinforce inequality because it can distribute capitalist resources more efficiently. Acceleration in this sense is only a way to push Enlightenment universalism further. How can accelerating technology lead to the end of capitalism if it only creates ...
In his 1926 book, "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," Max Weber examined the rise of modern economies and the institutions that influenced them. Frank Kellogg, secretary of state at the time, was chided for being a nervous Nellie in 1926 for his non-aggression foreign polic...
好书推荐:《Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism》 技术封建主义的特征: 技术封建主义结合了技术创新和封建主义的特征,形成一种数字化的封建体系。科技公司通过拥有大量的数据和先进的算法,能够实现对人们行为、信息和决策的精准控制。这种控制力远远超越了传统封建社会中领主对臣民的控制,使科技公司成为数字时代的新型...
This chapter presents the first part of a roadmap aimed at realizing the shift from sustainability-as-usual to awakened sustainability. Applying inversion, I consider what needs to be true in the world to allow for this shift to take place. Lessig’s “N
Double-entry bookkeeping was developed in the mercantile period of Europe to help rationalize commercial transactions and make trade more efficient. The emergence of double entry has been linked to the birth of capitalism. Jessica Olah / Investopedia ...
Milton Friedman was a U.S. economist, best known as the most influential advocate of free-market capitalism and monetarism in the 20th century.