Druids and Worgen can change the appearance of each of their forms separately. Gender changes, formerly a paid service, are available at the barbershop. Your transmog game is improving as well: Legion artifact weapons can now be used by all specializations, instead of the one on which you ...
Also, why in an earlier version of my "Enforcer idea" i use the name Warden instead. The nightwarrior version of Tyrande, Shadohunters like Vol'jin, Alleria being some type of Void Hunter, all feed into this too. Combining weapons and magic. Personally i would ...
(role-playing games) A character skilled in the use of ranged weapons. Hunter One who hunts wild animals either for sport or for food; a huntsman. Ranger To work as a ranger. Hunter A dog that scents game, or is trained to the chase; a hunting dog. Ranger One who ranges; a rover...
“Ahh, When America was great! I can only imagine the Libs convulsing if these were aired today. Funny, the kids who grew up on this aren’t the ones shooting people. Great stuff!”I immediately came to a full and disheartening stop at the edge of the...
In Siege Mentality, one to three players are placed in a tower and are tasked to survive for 4 minutes. They can’t leave the tower but they have full use of all weapons. Attackers are tasked with taking out the tower players and have unlimited lives but only use sawn-off shotguns. ...
Wow. I was going through memebase on in my daily routine that I peform everyday and I was linked to your Infact video on "Cellphones of aeroplanes". I then proceeded to watch all of your Infact videos. Loving every minute of it. You're amazing. You use simple logic that can't be...
They can also trash your house, and confiscate such things a computers if they chose. Again, its not so much the guns, per se… but an excuse to negate any remaining civil liberties. Thus if one has actually read the law, if one does NOT register ones weapons, the police have NO gro...