Nor was a gun useful in a moment of fury; it took too long to use and was too potentially ineffectual in the heat of the moment. The very nature of the mechanical, slow process for loading and triggering made it a weapon of cool threat rather than hot-blooded violence. As a result,...
A little over a year ago I published an article on, titled “The Big Lie About the US Army – What the US Army is not telling the American People”. In it I talk about the standards being higher now, than ever, especially physical fitness, the Army Combat Fitness Te...
These bullet-eating machines include the “Warthog” Auto 210, a pump-action shotgun, the Stubby Voltaic Submachine Gun, and the Breach Cutter, a powerful heavy weapon that fires beams of energy, perfect for mowing down swarms and dealing major damage to bosses. What The Engineer Excels In:...
“The bar scene gets pretty old after a while,” says Hall. “Twelve years. I can’t go to school and play music four or five nights a week, (which is) the only thing I’ve been doing for years. It’s amazing I’ve been able to survive this long. It wears you down. Being ...
“One way to think about it is we’re asking that the regime work the same way for self-defense as it does for hunting,” Clement said. “When my clients go in and ask for a license to carry a concealed weapon for hunting purposes, what they have to tell the state is they have ...
us repeatedly why we weren’t doing anything to avenge the murders of Luci and her mother. We eventually asked him if he wanted to risk going to prison for the rest of his life. Belching forth a fiery rage he said, “Of course I do!” We brought Aaron into the fold on the ...
rifle toward the golf course Trump was on. We’ve reached an inflection point in our society. We can’t keep the most vulnerable among us, ourschool children, safe from shooters, and now we can’t guarantee the security of the most protected high-ranking officials in and around our ...
The suicide prevention movement could use more movement. We know who is dying, how they are dying, and why they are dying. To stop the dying we need action; not from the few of us knee deep in this work, but from all the rest. It’s time for the fretful, the critics, and the ...
In the case of The Covenant School and other similar shootings, “where the armed intruder came from outside of the building or walked the halls with the weapon brandished,” Braisted said Omnilert’s technology “would have been activated and improved police or administrative response.” But, ...
School shooters often leak hints about their plans before they carry them out, said O’Toole, the former FBI profiler. “I’ve seen it in nearly every case. And leakage is very specific because it is the shooter talking about what they’re going to do before they do it,” she said...