Berlin.Butwhileabsorbedinthepracticalityofroofingandfurnituremaking,healsoattended nightschoolandwasadmittedtoTechnicalUniversityofBerlin,fromwhichhegraduatedin2004 withanadvanceddegreeinarchitecture.Hewasstillastudentwhenhedesignedandbuiltthe innovativeGandoPrimarySchool. Unliketraditionalschoolbuildings,whichuseconcrete,K...
If you’re using a recurring activity schedule,make an appointment with yourself on your calendar. That way, you and others can see that time is already committed, and you can more easily count the cost of any changes to it. If you’re using a “due by” schedule, match your deadline...
and it never did. His perfectionism, born out of his fear and insecurity that he wasn't good enough, was what prevented Paul from following through. Instead of taking action that will move him forward, he focused his energy on overplanning and ...
So basically, they’re all the notions that are in your head that are preventing you from accomplishing what you need to do. Instead of just taking the bullet and finishing your job, you may start to have second thoughts such as: “What if I am unable to complete this project on time...
A vision differs from goals, which express the steps of a plan for accomplishing an objective. A vision differs from a mission statement, which explains an organization's reasons for existence or for seeking its objectives.Henry Ford's vision was a car that families couldafford. Steve Jobs ...
Lifestyle creep happens when you increase spending in tandem with your income, which could prevent you from accomplishing your financial goals.
Let’s take a look at the two most common methods of planning and executing a project. These are agile planning and waterfall planning. While either one can be successful and yield excellent results for your project, they also have their own benefits and drawbacks that might make one or the...
Performance refers to the act of carrying out a task or function, focusing on the process and execution, while achievement denotes the accomplishment or success in reaching a goal, emphasizing the outcome or result.
Be upfront about your max budget and ask what's possible within that range You can also consider working with micro-influencers (creators with smaller, highly engaged audiences) who often charge less than bigger names while potentially delivering better results. (We'll talk more about choosing ...
It was the advent of the Web 1.0 platform that led to the easy availability of information to users. This paved the way for marketers who used the digital platform to market their products and services. It was in the 90’s when the term ‘Digital Marketing’ was coined. Many believe ...